Here you'll find whimsy, encouragement, empathy, and ideas to help you survive motherhood as it is defined today.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Oh the Clutter

Of course you know decluttering your life is all the rage right now, and I am on that bandwagon.  I love labels and matching containers, and being able to find exactly what I want the moment I need it.  But, it is no small feat to have a place for every thing and every thing in its place!  The hubby and I have been married almost twenty years, and boy have we got the accumulation to show for it.  I always swore it wouldn’t happen to me, I would never collect so much random STUFF that my cupboards and closets would barf their contents out at me in protest.  My house would never be so filled with useless sentimentals like my mother’s.  Nope!  Not me.  *sigh* 
Enter: children.  If the onslaught of clothes, equipment and toys for the first one doesn’t do you in, all the birthdays and Christmases of that baby’s siblings certainly will!  Wowzers we are definitely blessed!  So, like many of you, I am currently working toward a clutter free house.  I’ve got my copy of Marie Kondo’s The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up handy (a Christmas gift from my hubby- seriously!).  I'm sipping my large McD’s iced tea, and my motivation is soaring!  In between school lessons and ketchuppy lunches, I am spending my free minutes clearing out my cluttered cabinets and drawers and hiding spots, and I’m loving my results so far.  There’s nothing so nerdishly satisfying as organized Tupperware! 

What I’m also loving though, and longing to keep, are all those useless sentimenals!  Sure, there are plenty of magazines and old baby toys that are ready to meet the recycle bins.  But despite the high of the decluttering momentum, I am realizing that not all of it has to go.  I really love looking through my kids’ art from their toddler years.  So I’ll box up my favorites.  I don’t want to throw away Granny’s old saltshaker – not just yet.  It can grace my stovetop a while longer.  Why hang on to Dad’s old glasses?  Well, because they were Dad’s.  And when I hold them I can still see him smiling under their heavy rims. 

What justification do I have for holding onto these things?  I guess just my heart.  Isn’t that reason enough?  Aren’t our hearts worth preserving?  I’m just trying to say, there’s nothing wrong with keeping mementos that still stir your heart in happy or bittersweet ways.  Once you get rid of such things, there’s no getting them back.  So, I’ll risk the scorn of decluttering gurus like Marie, and stow away my beloved memories in boxes and hidden cubbies throughout my house.  If you feel like doing the same, carry on unashamed!  There is life-changing magic in honoring your heart too.  😍

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